The Museum is closed for the winter for cleaning and re-display.
We re-open on Wednesday 2nd April 2025.
The Office remains open Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm
Enquiries: office@munningsmuseum.org.uk 01206 322127
Address: The Munnings Art Museum
Castle House, Castle Hill
Dedham, Colchester, Essex
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Whilst you wait
Ahead of our re-opening on 2nd April brush up your artistic skills with Jim Power.
This four-part series of pre-recorded workshops will take you through the basic steps needed to sucsessfully draw and paint horses.
Session 1: Basics of Drawing the Horse
Session 2: Adding colour and form to the Horse
Session 3: Looking more closely at the horse’s head.
Session 4: Painting the horse’s head in oils.

Not brave enough to pick up a paintbrush? Listen and watch to find out more about the man and his work
Curator’s Talk: The Life and Work of Sir Alfred Munnings
Pre-recorded ONLINE event.
Marcia Whiting, Curatorial Associate, provides an overview of Alfred Munnings’ life and work.
You will be sent a link to play the film via Vimeo (installation not required). Recording lasts 41 minutes.
Art History Festival 2024
The sport of Kings inspired the painter Sir Alfred Munnings to create some of his most well known paintings. See how these pictures were created and how they have travelled the globe, inspiring the artists of today. For the Art History Festival 2024 Art History: Local to Global, we present this short film in partnership with Art Historian, Christopher Garibaldi and the National Sporting Library and Museum, Virginia, USA.

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