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Our Address
The Munnings Art Museum,
Castle Hill
Our Telephone Number
01206 322127
Press Enquiries
Tracy Jones at Brera
01702 216 658
Image Licensing
The Munnings Art Museum owns copyright in the estate of Sir Alfred Munnings and is represented by DACS.
A selection of images available to licence can be found on DACS Artimage
If you are looking to licence images commercially then please contact:
+44 (0) 20 7780 7550
General Enquiries
Many of our staff members work part-time so please be patient whilst you wait for our reply.
We endeavour to respond to GROUP BOOKING enquiries within THREE DAYS.
GENERAL ENQUIRIES may take up to FIVE DAYS for a response.
COLLECTION and CURATORIAL enquiries may need TWO WEEKS to answer due to high demand.
Thank you.
Our Email Addresses
We will use the information you send us to answer your enquiry as fully as possible.
You can read about how we might use your details to do so in our Privacy Policy.