
Inspired by Behind the Lines: Sue Williams

Sue studied at St Martins School of Art on foundation and
degree courses. After graduating she went on to illustrate
children’s books, greetings cards, magazines and calendars.
Sue now teaches residential courses for Art Centres and also
in her studio in South Norfolk. Sue has exhibited in London
at The Mall Galleries with The Royal Institute of Oil Painters,
The Royal Institute of Watercolour Painters, The Royal Society
of British Artists, and in the past with The Society of Women
Artists, The Society of Botanical Artists and Britains Painters.
In 2013 Sue was the Winner of The SAA Artist of The Year

34. Study 1 – Plein Air 46 x 56 OIL ON CANVAS £350.00**SOLD

35. Take Five 46 x 56 OIL ON CANVAS £595.00

36. First Aid Post 40 x 46 OIL ON CANVAS £350.00

37. Study 2 – Plein Air 46 x 56 OIL ON CANVAS £350.00**RESERVED

38. Barking Orders 40 x 50 OIL ON CANVAS £395.00